Friday, November 19, 2010

Why can't I hold down a job?

No matter where I work I always find a reason not to like my job. I always find it difficult to get along with my coworkers and end up quitting. This has been a problem since I started working at age 15. My husband is at his witts end with me and my jobs. How do I learn to hold down a job? Do I need therapy?Why can't I hold down a job?
Clearly this is an issue better suited for a professional therapist than Yahoo Answers. If you have a problem working with other people there is a chance it could be you, but there is always the chance it could be them.

Since you're reporting a pattern of this going on since you were 15 that might indicate it's something with your way of interacting with, or how your interpret, other people.

Suggest you get professional help AND that you read some books on happiness like Authentic Happiness and Man's Search for Meaning.

Good luck.Why can't I hold down a job?
You might have a mild mental disorder, like me. I have tourettes syndrome but not that kind that makes me curse. The one no one thinks of when they hear that. It makes me neurotic, frustrated easily, obsessive-compulsive, depressed etc. I have the same exact problem. But for me it is more of a self-distructive behavior. I end up being so rude and unhappy, my managers ask me why i am still there, or i do something out of anger and get fired. Whenever you feel those ';old thoughts and feelings'; coming up, suppress them any way you can. Move on to something, take 10 deep breathes, tell yourself that you need this job. Try being more productive at work. Pretend like your trying to work your way up to manager. You'll feel better about your day. In these times, you need to keep your job. There are freaking billion dollar companies collapsing, billionaires losing their homes, we're just the little people at the bottom of the barrel, although ive heard that we arent affected by all this because we dont own homes, have loans etc. Use positive thinking whenever you start to feel bad again. When you think bad things about your boss, try and think of some good things about him/her.Good luck.
you just havent found a job you like. keep looking youll find your place in this ole world

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