Monday, December 12, 2011

Help! I had a violent dispute with two coworkers! Was I wrong?

I have been working for the city in their Public Works Department. My division is devided up into groups of people who get along. Since i've been there, i've worked my butt off and I have had several coworkers literally tell me I should go back to my old job, that i'm a horrible worker, that I should learn how to use a shovel, and try to get me fired behind my back. On top of that, one coworker is always talking down to me and demanding I do things in a very rude way and he does it constantly. Today, he and another guy I don't get along with came up and started talking down to me again and I snapped. I told them off, told them I was sick and tired of their bull**** and them disrespecting me, and told them to basically *** off. Shortly after, in the locker room, I got in yet another argument with one of the guys that ended the same way. I feel bad for losing my composure, but i've been dealing with this for weeks and they do this to a lot of my other coworkers that are good workers.Help! I had a violent dispute with two coworkers! Was I wrong?
I bet if you read the employment manual given to you by your Human Resources Manager, you might find out that could be grounds for termination.

Honestly... why did you not bring this up with your immediate supervisor? That's one of his responsibilities, to help maintain law and order. If he's one of ';them';, then you proceed directly to the HR manager. Go to the Mayor if you're still not satisfied.

If you are in a union, you should have brought this to your union steward's attention, too.Help! I had a violent dispute with two coworkers! Was I wrong?
Good for you! No one should sit and bear crap from these people, even if you aren't working your butt off. Really, you did the right thing even if you get fired or something. This is not the right way to work!
It sounds like a no win situation for anyone who goes up against them. Blood is thicker than water, you know. You are wise to look for employment elsewhere. They probably behave like that because they know they can get away with it.
document as much as you can against them. dates, times, witnessess, anything that was said or done, etc. It could come back on them as workplace violence/harassment. And if a member of management knew this was going on and failed to act, He could face major problems too
No - you weren't wrong. No one should have to put up with being intimidated at work. You stood up for yourself. Good for you!

I think you would have preferred to handle it with less anger - and you will if something like this happens again. But it sounds like you were pushed and pushed until you couldn't take it anymore. Everyone has a breaking point. Don't be so hard on yourself. You just used words - not your fists. That's restraint.

I hope you find a great new job soon!

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