Monday, December 12, 2011

How should I handle racist/homophobic coworkers?

I have these two coworkers which I kind of get along with. They always try to pick a fight with me at work by bringing racial and gender issues (illegals, Hispanics needing to learn English, homosexuality being wrong, etc...) It irritates me and I have fought with them several times at work. Im there to work not to fight with ignorant people but I made a vow to myself to never let anyone get away with these types of comments... even customers. I don't want to report them because I am no narc, if I have a problem I'll say it to your face. How do I tell them to stop making such stupid comments? One is white and the other guys is half white and hispanic.How should I handle racist/homophobic coworkers?
You could tell them you find it strange that they're so obsessed with homosexuality, or just hit on one(if you're a guy), that'll really freak him out but he could report you for sexual harassment. Honestly, I think the best idea is just to ignore them. They sound ignorant, and arguing with them will get you nowhere.

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